System Data Take Too Much Space on Your Mac? 3 Best Ways to Reduce the Size

Kawhi Dumingz
7 min readDec 29, 2023

Freeing up space on a low-capacity Mac (128 or 256GB) is a common task as the photos/movies/apps become much more larger in these days. Luckily, you can easily save more storage on Mac manually with the help of the built-in disk management tool, which provides a default Manage… option for Mac users with the actual number displayed for each item.

However, there is one item that eats up the storage in large volume and unfortunately no way to clean up this category as the option is grayed. It is called System Data.

What is the System Data on Mac

The “System Data” on a Mac refers to files and data that macOS uses for its own operation and functionality. It is distinct from your personal data and apps. Here’s a breakdown of what it typically includes:

System Files: These are essential files that macOS needs to run. This includes the operating system itself, system applications, libraries, and support files.

Caches: Temporary files stored by macOS and applications to speed up performance. These include system caches, user caches, and browser caches.

Logs: Files that record system and application activities. These can be useful for troubleshooting but can grow in size over time.

Swap Files: macOS uses swap files as virtual memory when your Mac runs out of physical RAM. These files can take up significant space, especially on systems with less RAM.

Application Support Files: Files used by applications to store support data, settings, and other resources. This includes both system applications and third-party apps.

Backups: Local snapshots created by Time Machine and other backup utilities. These can consume a large amount of space, especially if backups are frequent.

Other System Data: This can include various other types of data like virtual machine files (if you use software like Parallels or VMWare), email downloads, and more.

It’s important to note that, while some system data is essential and shouldn’t be deleted, other parts like caches and logs can sometimes be safely cleared to free up space, especially if they’ve grown unusually large. However, it’s generally recommended to use built-in macOS tools or reputable third-party apps for cleaning to avoid accidentally deleting important files.

How to Clear System Data on Mac Using Disk Inventory X

Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for macOS that provides a visual representation of what is consuming space on your hard drive. Developed as a free tool, it helps users identify large files and folders, offering an intuitive interface with a treemap to visualize the data. This utility is particularly useful for finding and removing unnecessary files that take up a significant amount of space, making it a valuable tool for managing and freeing up storage on your Mac.

Steps to Clear System Data on Mac Using Disk Inventory X

Step 1: Begin by downloading Disk Inventory X from its official website. Once downloaded, open the .dmg file and drag the Disk Inventory X application to your Applications folder to install it.

Step 2: Launch Disk Inventory X from your Applications folder. Upon opening, select the disk you wish to analyze. This is usually your main hard drive, typically named ‘Macintosh HD’.

Step 3: After selecting the disk, Disk Inventory X will start scanning its contents. This process may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your disk and the amount of data stored.

Step 4: Once the scan is complete, you’ll see a colorful treemap visualization representing different files and folders by size. Larger blocks indicate larger files or folders.

Step 5: Browse through the treemap to identify large files or folders that you no longer need. You can click on a block to see detailed information about the file or folder.

Step 6: To delete a file or folder, right-click (or Ctrl-click) on the block representing it and choose “Move to Trash.” Ensure you only delete files you know are safe to remove.

Step 7: After moving unwanted files to the Trash, don’t forget to empty the Trash to permanently free up space.

How to Clear System Data on Mac Using Onyx

Onyx is a multifunctional utility for macOS that offers a range of system maintenance tools to optimize and clean up your Mac. Developed by Titanium Software, Onyx allows users to access hidden system functions, automate system maintenance tasks, and clean up their systems by removing unnecessary files. Its user-friendly interface and robust set of features make it a go-to tool for advanced users and novices alike who want to keep their Mac running smoothly.

Steps to Clear System Data on Mac Using Onyx

Step 1: Visit the Titanium Software website and download the Onyx version compatible with your macOS.

Step 2: Launch Onyx from your Applications folder. The first time you open Onyx, it will verify your startup disk and request your administrator password. Enter your password to proceed.

Step 3: In the Onyx interface, navigate to the ‘Maintenance’ tab. This section provides options for system maintenance and cleaning.

Step 4: In the Maintenance tab, you’ll find various options to clean system caches, logs, and other temporary files. Select the types of system data you wish to clear. Be cautious with your selections to avoid removing important data.

Step 5: Once you’ve selected the desired options, click on the ‘Execute’ or ‘Run’ button at the bottom of the window. Onyx will begin the cleaning process, which may take a few minutes to complete.

Step 6: After the cleaning process is complete, it’s a good practice to restart your Mac to ensure all changes take effect and the system runs smoothly.

Using Onyx to clear system data on a Mac is a straightforward process that can significantly help in freeing up disk space and improving system performance. While Onyx offers powerful cleaning and maintenance capabilities, it’s important to use it cautiously and understand the functions of the options you select. Regularly cleaning your Mac with Onyx can keep your system optimized, but always ensure you have a backup of important data before performing system maintenance tasks.

How to Clear System Data on Mac Using CleanGeeker

TunesBro CleanGeeker is an efficient cleaning and optimization tool designed for macOS. It is renowned for its ability to help users quickly and safely clear junk files, system data, and optimize their Macs for better performance. The application stands out with its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users of all technical levels. With features like one-click cleaning, duplicate file removal, and large file management, CleanGeeker aims to streamline the process of maintaining a healthy and efficient Mac system.

Steps to Clear System Data on Mac Using TunesBro CleanGeeker

Step 1: Go to the TunesBro website and download the CleanGeeker software.

Step 2: Open TunesBro CleanGeeker from your Applications folder. Upon launching, select the ‘System Junk’ option to begin scanning your Mac for unnecessary system data, including caches, logs, and temporary files.

Step 3: After the scan is complete, CleanGeeker will display a summary of junk files and system data that can be safely removed. Review these items to ensure you’re not deleting anything important.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Clean’ or ‘Remove’ button to delete the selected system data. CleanGeeker will then proceed to clear these files from your Mac, freeing up valuable disk space.

TunesBro CleanGeeker offers a straightforward and effective solution for Mac users looking to free up space and enhance system performance by clearing system data. Its intuitive interface and robust cleaning capabilities make it an excellent tool for routine maintenance of your Mac.



Kawhi Dumingz

Tech content writer & blogger who’s passionate about computer software and hardware.